Privacy Policy
Чувар здравља 2021- 
андроид апликација Завода за јавно здравље Шабац
Čuvar zdravlja 2021- 
android aplikacija Zavoda za javno zdravlje Šabac
Health Keeper 2021- 
android application by Institute of Public Health - Sabac
The application does not in any way collect data about your interaction with content related to the Coronavirus,

The Institute, as an institution in charge of immunization and fight against the Coronavirus in the Macva district, has the right to inform users through the application about the data regarding the Coronavirus and immunization, which are available to it through regular activities, all to protect the health of citizens.,

All data on the number of infected with the Coronavirus and the number of persons tested by PCR test, the Institute publishes based on the results of analyzes performed in its institution,

All statistical data obtained by the Institute through direct immunization in the institution and at vaccination points under its jurisdiction are also available on the Institute's website,

The application contains links to the official website of the Ministry of Health of Serbia for:
schedule PCR testing,
obtaining a digital green Covid certificate,
schedule vaccination
We use Firebase analytic in our app
Voice search

Data that we collect with voice search are speech recognition results in order to make our NLP processor updated. For that we ask user to give us a custom permission inside app.

Access: We do not access any personal / sensitive or any other data inside app through android SDK and available API's

Collection: Only data that we collect are results of Google Voice Recognition API after users voice input. Those data are not followed in any way with any other associated data (phone models, OS versions, etc...)

Use: Each of our content is described with several tags. Each tag is associated with set of similar words. In order to enlarge set of those words, we need to better understand what users are seeking. That way we plan to offer better search results after voice search.

Sharing of personal and sensitive user data: We do not share data with anyone. Only use of these data is to provide us better understanding on what users are seeking, so that we can update our tagging system for app content based on that. 

Institute of Public Health - Sabac

Address: Jovana Cvijića 1
